Hi Team,
Many thanks for another great meeting! The attached DA Update file reflects our discussion and the DTC updates. Please note the other threads I have updates for in our discussion area.
Please let me know of any needed changes to the notes.
Clear Skies!
SAE J2012 DA Update 20250117.xlsx (2.1 MB)
I believe this email is sort of buried in this site. I had to search to find this email.
Hello Keith,
I believe the following two request were both were awarded OEM. When I look at the notes only " B" request mentions the use of Manufacturers DTC.
Derrick Holmes
Hi Derrick,
I don’t think we identified anyone else that needed these in 2Byte. Do you need a Manufacturer Specific note in the file? Or something else?
Thanks! Keith
Hello Keith,
Yes, we need note in the excel file for the 2- Byte DTC request “Invalid Data Received from Turbocharger/Supercharger Boost Sensor “A”” for Manufacturer specific DTC.
In VW, our regulation memos state we are allowed to use OEM/Manufacturer if the SAE J2012 committee authorizes it. This came out of a discussion with CARB where they stated we can use OEM specific code if the SAE J2012 authorizes it and a CARB member is present in the meeting( if no CARB member is present we notify CARB of the use of OEM specific DTCs).
Thank you,
Derrick Holmes
Our DA update file is updated as shown in the pasted image to include Manf Specific decision.
SAE J2012 DA Update 20250117 - Rev1.xlsx (2.1 MB)
Hello everyone. Are there any objections to adding “Hybrid/EV” to SAE DTCs U36EE & U36EF?
So, they should be:
U36EE Hybrid/EV Battery Monitoring Module High Voltage Negative Rail Sensor
U36EF Hybrid/EV Battery Monitoring Module High Voltage Positive Rail Sensor
J1930 says “Battery Monitor Module” is for 12V systems. It appears Hybrid/EV Battery Monitoring Module is for HV Battery applications - like how I want to use it.
I’m also going to ask for J1930 to make this distinction.
Thank you,