OBFCM “ECU reset history” in TRIAS 08-J125-01 version from 01.02.2024

Dear all,

as you might remember in 2022 MLIT Japan requested a PID for OBFCM “ECU reset history” via Miura-san @hiroto.miura in the SAE J1979 TF. See attachment.
20220426_Japan OBFCM proposal for J1979DA_DRAFT.pptx (2.3 MB)
(I re-upload this because I do not know a way to access the discussion area of the old web site.)

The SAE J1979 TF asked MLIT for more information and a detailed use case.
Since no feedback was received the proposal was not accepted and no PID was defined for this purpose.

Recently a colleague checked the differences of TRIAS 08-J125-01 from 01.02.2024 (= new regulation version) and 28.09.2023.
It turned out that Chapter 6 of TRIAS has been added as new chapter of the OBFCM Test Report. According to this new chapter, a Rest Flag Confirmation Result has to be passed:

The OBFCM test is a so-called “official test” which has to be performed by an accredited technical service. Currently only Japanese NTSEL is allowed to perform / accompany this OBFCM test.

The associated Technical Standard “Attachment 125” describes reset conditions for the life time values, but does not describe any requirements to operate an Reset Flag in case of a reset event.

How does the participants of the SAE J1979 TF consider this issue?
Do we need to define a new PID?
Are there any updates available regarding the expectations of the Japanese authorities?

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