StandardsWorks 2.0 Frequently Asked Questions


This is a list of frequently asked questions that stemmed from the first two partial committee releases of StandardsWorks 2.0. Please read over this list to see if your question has been answered here before sending an email to the SAE support team. We will continue to add to this list over time.

StandardsWorks Availability

1. When is the new StandardsWorks rolling out to all committees?

  • Standards Works is set for release to most committees on Monday October 31st 2022 at 8am EST.

2. What is the link to the new StandardsWorks site, the link I had bookmarked to StandardsWorks is no longer working?

  • Standards Works - SAE International

  • The URL was changed for StandardsWorks 2.0 to improve search engine optimization, we recommend booking this new link. The old link to StandardsWorks 1.0 will now only be accessible to committee managers for specific circumstances, but it is not intended for committee members to access StandardsWorks 1.0 any longer.

3. Does my committee lose data that was in StandardsWorks 1.0?

  • No, all WIP, open and closed ballots, meetings, work area files, participant information, and historical discussions are carried over to StandardsWorks 2.0. The SAE development team has gone through a thorough automation and manual QA process of migrated data. If you see a data discrepancy or something missing in your committee please refer to 7. below in this post.

4. How do I know what new features are being added to StandardsWorks?

  • We are working on a public facing roadmap of current in progress features/improvements and longer term ideas as well. We plan to share this in a separate post in the knowledge base soon. Eventually we also able hope to have a public-facing “ideas” page where committee members will be able to vote on the new features they want the most and also share with us other ideas they have to make StandardsWorks 2.0 a stronger product over time.

  • Upcoming Features and Improvements for StandardsWorks 2.0 - November/December 2022

5. Where do I submit feedback about StandardsWorks 2.0?

6. Where do I report a technical bug or software issue about StandardsWorks 2.0?

  • Please use the “Report An Issue” button on the right hand of the screen in StandardsWorks 2.0. This automatically creates a ticket in our system and allows our development team to keep better track of getting the issue investigated and fixed. This tool is NOT meant for general feedback. This tool is meant for issues such as a page not loading, system time out, ballot process not working correctly, etc.

7. How do I report an issue about a missing file, ballot, WIP, or incorrect information with something like meetings?

  • Please also use the “Report An Issue” button for missing data or incorrect data.

8. How do I create a poll/survey to ask my committee a question?

  • Simply click the gear icon at the top of the editor dialog box above and click the “Build Poll” option. This allows you to create a poll directly in a new topic. You can also do the same thing for a reply to a topic. You can then share the post with others in your committee and ask them to vote.

9. What are the orange icons that appear next to some tabs in StandardsWorks 2.0?

  • These are in-app messages meant to help new users to the system learn it more quickly. We have built-in app guidance into StandardsWorks 2.0 to reinforce learning the new user interface, going over common buttons and functionality, and helping to make transitioning to the new site as easy as possible. We highly recommend reading these in-app messages and reviewing some of the training materials on the homepage of StandardsWorks 2.0 as well.

10. My StandardsWorks page does not load when I navigate to, there is a loading screen with a spinner and it just sits there. What is going on?

There are two potential reasons why this would be happening:

  1. Your company’s firewall/network security is restricting the new StandardsWorks site URL. We changed URL’s for the new site (see #2 above), so if you had the old site whitelisted but not this new link your company is likely blocking the site from loading. That’s why it sits there with the spinner.
  • It is easy to confirm if this is happening if its your first time logging into StandardsWorks 2.0 and if it loads without an issue on your smartphone or personal laptop at home. If these methods work but at your work site the site does not load, more than likely its a security issue.

  • If that is the case, you would need to reach out to your IT and/or cybersecurity department to have them allow the new site to be accessed and whitelisted. We have gotten word of this problem happening to a few larger companies since the release of StandardsWorks 2.0

  1. The site is experiencing temporary downtime for maintenance or a technical issue. In this case, we will send out an email to the whole user community if the site is going to be down for more than a short time.